Monday, September 24, 2018

Death to Bad Government!!

Thalassa Mural by Swoon (Jones Ave & Hawkins Ave

My borough, North Braddock, is among the most distressed in the country. Until recently, the wikipedia article on "urban decay" mentioned us by name. We are considering disincorporation, so that our police, abandoned property demolition, and other services would be provided by the County instead. The County Executive is on board with the plan. The Borough Manager is on board. The corrupt Borough Council refuses to even vote on it. More details about the situation here:

Spirits of the Land, we are calling to you!

Grandmother Monongahela, Ancient River Dragon, we are Calling to you!

Spirits of the Plants, Animals, and Funguses of the Eastern Woodlands, Kindly and Fair Folk, all Good Neighbors, we are calling to you!

Spirits of the Paleo-Indians and Native Peoples who first inhabited this land, we are calling to you!

King Teedyuscung of the Delaware, we are calling to you!

Queen Aliquippa of the Seneca, we are calling to you!

Heroes and Martyrs the Whiskey Rebellion, we are calling to you.

Johnny Chapman, Beloved Brother Appleseed, we are calling to you!

Salamanders and Djinn of Coal Mine and Steel Mill, we are calling to you!

Joe Magarac, Man of Steel, protector of the people, we are calling to you!

Heroes and Martyrs of the Homestead Strike, we are calling to you!

Andrew Carnegie, your blood-debt is due! We are calling to you!

Roma Bards of the Hand Yard, we are Calling to you!

Mr. Fred Rogers, beloved Neighbor, we are calling to you!
Please won't you be our neighbor?

Residents of the Braddock Cemetery, Ancestors, Beloved and Mighty Dead, we are calling to you!

Our borough is beset, infected by blight and crime.
Our neighbors wants to help us. Let them! Let them!
Our corrupt council stands in the way! Stop them! Stop them!
Let the government of North Braddock be dissolved!
Let the government of North Braddock be dissolved!
Let the Land be free once again!

Long Live the Virgin of Guadalupe, and Death to Bad Government!

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