Friday, December 30, 2016
Hekate's Cake
Hekate taught me a recipe that she likes as an offering. It's a sort of garlic bread pudding, similar to skorthalia, but baked. I cannot say how much of these instructions are particular to the current contents of my kitchen and what could be changed and have it still retain its integrity:
In the largest red bowl combine:
about half a loaf of very stale&dry white bread
whole milk to cover.
1 stick butter, melted.
garlic. much garlic (about 2/3 of a cup)
1 handful dry dittany of crete, crushed
a glop of honey (about 1/3 cup)
let it sit for a while until the bread gets soggy
add two large white eggs
no salt, save what is in the butter
mix it all together, and then put in a cobalt glass loaf pan.
bake until it is golden.
Serve this to Me and eat of it yourself.