Monday, May 21, 2018

The Orphic Hymns Grimoire

Tomorrow at 9:39 am (because astrology) the Kickstarter for my Orphic Hymns Grimoire goes live.  Since I'm a big believer in "try it before you buy it", I've included a sample chapter (the one on Tyche, the goddess of luck and fortune) below. Click here or on the ikon to read it. Please enjoy it, and check out the project at

The Goddess of Fortune

Come, Tyche!  
We call you, Enodia supreme,
Sovereign of crossroads, altogether good Queen.
Song-renowned daughter of Euboleus’ bloodline:
the good guide who fell, along with his swine,
through the cavernous crack in the crust of the earth,
when Kore descended at Persephone's birth.
Tyche, we call in the great name of Artemis!
Gentle essence of fortune, wondrous and marvelous,
Your irresistible wish is our sovereign command,
For yours is the increase of riches and the wealth of the land.
Sorcerous and streetwise, you weave the tapestry of fate,
with stitches of riches, for those you appreciate.
But those who anger you, you sew into poverty,
Spinning their minds into tangles of anxiety.
Sweet goddess, Eutykhia, be my lifelong companion,
Rain down your favor and your nourishing compassion.
Grant happiness, strong-wishing, and generous charity,

Bless our lives and our work with unending prosperity.

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